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Colebrook Posh Pugs

Colebrook Posh Pugs
My love for dogs started before I was able to walk. Looking back on all of my childhood memorabilia that was saved over the years, almost everything is related to animals, but mostly to dogs. Crayon drawings, sketches, stories and so on. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was always answered with "A Veterinarian"...well I certainly was not an honor roll student and never became a Vet, but my passion for dogs brought me down a path that is just as fulfilling. I started my own "business" of walking neighborhood dogs at the age of 10 years old and went on to become a volunteer for our local SPCA. I wasn't allowed to have my own dog while still living at home, but vowed that it would be the first thing I did when I moved out. The day that I did I was on a mission to get myself the perfect dog. Over the years I lived with many dogs of multiple breeds, and they were all wonderful, but I still had not found my "Heart" dog. Along came "Zoe" in 2005. She took me on many adventures and taught me so much. We became inseparable and the absolute best of friends. She enjoyed everything that I did. From taking walks in the park, going to the lake, swimming in the pool, to just lounging on the couch and enjoying each other's company. I had finally found the perfect dog that my heart had longed for all of my life. I fell so in love with the breed, that I devoted myself to breeding, raising and training pugs. I have had the pleasure of being encouraged, educated, supported and most of all inspired by many wonderful people along the way. These people were willing to share information, that could only be acquired by the life experiences they have had and for that I am forever grateful. I consider everyday a learning experience. It is always an honor to experience the birth of a litter of puppies that I have so carefully planned for. All of the lessons that dogs have taught me...and continue to teach me every day... is what makes me feel fulfilled. I have also been blessed with a great husband, who is almost as passionate about dogs and animals as I am but in the very least supports MY passion and puts up with living amongst quite a few furry family members! Since we have been together he has embraced the crazy world of dogs. We have 2 beautiful daughters that continued their college education and our oldest followed her heart and love for animals and became an LVT and works at an emergency vet clinic in Richmond, VA. Our youngest followed her dreams and passion for helping people and works for CPS in Las Vegas, NV. We are glad you took the time to get to know us... and we hope to get to know you better too! We love having guests to our home and welcome you to come and meet the dogs in person anytime.
~ Tina and Keith Faris ~

Zoe and I

Keith and I
Website design by Tina Faris
Copyright Colebrook Posh Pugs 2022
All pictures are property of Colebrook Posh Pugs and may not be duplicated without permission.
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